Warrior Cats

If you like the Warriors book series by Erin Hunter, then this is the group for you! Go SkyClan!

What clan would you be in?

ThunderClan, RiverClan, WindClan, ShadowClan, SkyClan, Tribe of Rushing Water, BloodClan, Loaner, Kittypet or Rouge, take your pick.

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    Blizardstar (PolarBearDog)

    Originally I would have chosen ThunderClan or RiverClan but now I am pretty sure I would choose SkyClan. No other clans to worry about, always growing, and I love the concept of Daylight Warriors.
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      Bambi Commet (the Ajatar)

      The website says I would belong in WindClan, but I personally love trees, so probably ThunderClan. 

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        Jade Commet (Cheerio Chicken)

        windclan definitely.  i love being outside in the open air and i love running. and wind is my favorite element