Animal Lovers

This group is for all animal lovers. To join, simply comment on my previous blog about your favorite animal and why.

  • Plug R (gardian squirrel)

    My favorite animal is the cute kitty cat because..... THEY ARE SO CUTE!!!!!!!!! ;-)
  • Razeen (Glaceon Exectutive)

    My fav animal is a lynx.

  • לוי mega golem)

    The Honey badger because of all it's features but favorite group is feline

  • Plug R (gardian squirrel)

    I need some beastly help! I just posted my first ever video on youtube a couple days ago. Please go and check it out! It is about my kitty.... I know... so... cute.... Please tell me what tou think or some way I can improve my vids.

    P.S. All of the views(27), likes(2), comments(2-3), and subscriptions(3) are from me, my brother, and my mom. :-\