
A group for writers of all kinds.
  • Arthur Turbyfill (Wyvern)

    how ironic...I joined the writers group and find nothing written here!!! come on and share some tiny tidbits or snappy snippets of something you have written in the past. One of my creations is on my page...so please share some of yours
  • Barb Nelson (Gaelic ThistleFish)

    Okay, Arthur, you forced me to join. lol You can check out one of mine on my page. Fair warning - it's a bit long.
  • Jeremy Nelson

    sorry it wasnt letting me post anything earlier or i would have. i will post part of my novel soon if you want.
  • Margaret E.Smith(Wood Sprite)

    I am currently working on a childrens book!!
  • Amaryllis (The Flying Unicorn)

    I love to write!!! I've got a bunch of projects in the works but mainly I'm working on a novel (eventually trilogy) that's been in development for two years. =P
  • Meg McMo

    I'm a poem type writer, but I like to write stories, too.
  • Jeremy Nelson

    megan what is your favorite poem?
  • Amaryllis (The Flying Unicorn)

    I submitted a short story to the Writers & Illustrators of the Future contest. Has anyone else ever entered? I'm so nervous...and I just found out I won't get the results for three months! Ak! I REALLY need some prize money for college tuition. >./body>
  • Kailyn (The Phoenix Avenger) E.

    Mostly I come up with awesome ideas for stories, and then start writing them... And then come up with another idea and start writing that story... Until I have about 6 stories on my computer... :/

    That's gotta be tough Amaryllis. One time I entered a contest and it took FOREVER to hear back. Good luck! I hope you do good! :)
  • Amaryllis (The Flying Unicorn)

    Thanks BiggieKK! And I do what you do too, starting lots of stories and not quite finishing...lol. I swear I have a million ideas running around in my head. =P
  • Lynn (Mama Bear)

    I've been a writer most of my life. I expect there to be a lot of typing in this group! I published a couple of short stories back in the day and have an entire lateral file drawer full of unfinished projects! Now, I mostly write seminars.
  • Jack Stevenson The RowelPyranto

    I started writing about six months ago, after I just told someone I would never write a book...... that makes me a accidental lair!
  • Tyler Phillips (Malfargous)

    i have a story on my page, if some of you want to see it
  • Ashley Nunley (ZealouStar Fairy)

    I wrote a play. We performed it at my church and people tell me it was really good. I, however, am my own worst critic and just think about what could have been better. I'm working on another one, though. It'd be cool to see it performed. That was one of the best times of my life, as difficult and stressful as it was.
  • Lindsay Sampson (The Jakkalope)

    I haven't written in the LONGEST time! I hope that by joining and (hopefully) visiting this page, I feel pressured to find more time to write!
  • Katryna Fast (The Flolf)

    That's a really good idea, Kimber. I think that I will strive to do that as well since I keep meaning to write but never do.
  • Moriah ( werecat)

    I write Mysterys and I have co-written a mystery play with my friends
    what do you all like to write?
  • Sara (Squinchilla)

    I mainly write comedy. Comedy books, comedy plays, comedy songs. My forte is dialogue. :) Twisting words and their meanings. I wrote and directed a one act in high school. People laughed. And they were supposed to, so it was a good experience.

    I participate in NaNoWriMo and I've already started thinking of this year's novel. It's one I actually want to publish and/or turn into a screenplay! So there's that. :D *excited*
  • peter norton (Great A'Tuin)

    hello im new to the rhett & Link community and am not really sure how im supposed to go about this.
    im 23 and an avid reader of fiction novels as well as whatever newspapers i can get my hands on (hasn't been many in the past few months)
    I am very keen on writing though i haven't done anything very productive in the area. Im constantly coming up with new ideas for stories that i go over constantly in my head and some of them i have even managed to make an outline for but i haven't gone so far as to actually start writing anything. i fear that i'm much better at the world building aspect of it than i am at story progression.

    i've rarely shared my story ideas primarily because i'm a bit self conscious about my writing, but i am hoping that by joining this group i might be able to overcome that and hopefully improve my writing.
  • meganEvincent

    hi yall i write fantasy stories and historical fiction is my passion :)
    my mythical beast name is a Ribcoon (an elephant mixed with a duckbill platapus)
  • Megan Timothy (Megataur)

    Just got done with the epicness that is NaNoWriMo and I am proud to say that I finished November with 50,000 words more than I started the month with. :D
  • Mads (The PotatoeClaw)

    Hey Yo! I'm being a writer-student, and a very productie one too. I like to write evrything, whatever I just feels like writing down on paper, and it happens to get positive response most of the time. My past writeries is mostly made of kids horrors, and way out crazy novels, that you have to have a pulse like a horse to follow, but I'm getting into poetry, wich is kinda nice...
  • James (Cosmic Custodian)

    My book Immortal (no relation to the movie at all) will come out around November or December 2012. yay.

  • Nadia (Nuno)

    Quick question. Does anyone think that a book based on a girl who's got family problems but hides them and helps all her friends while not helping herself has any potential?

  • Jeremy Nelson

    It's good to see that a group I made 2 1/2 years ago has grown and become a place of good literary discussion.
  • Arriah (Panthasaurus)

    I've started working on a fantasy novel that I'm writing on my phone. I find it's easier this way for me, because I can write anywhere. I type it up on my laptop regularly to see how long it is, and currently it's about twenty pages in a standard size 11 font.

  • Rachel (Nezulupantro)

    Help us to finish this project by Christmas as a gift to Rhett & Link!

    Hello Mythical beast!

    I would like to invite you to participate in a very important KBE here on the kommunity! We are Currently producing "Gutless Wonders the Movie"! With this project there are opportunities for all beasts to let their talents shine whether it be writing, acting, or filming! If you think that you might be interested please follow the link and sign up for a scene.


    Scenes needing to be written:

    -SCENE 11: Maybe Eat Lunch somewhere with another skit

    -SCENE 14: The Big Finish


    Scenes needing to be filmed:

    -Scene 1: Intro with credits

    -SCENE 10: TV Show - Chicken Leg Argument

    -(Also scenes 11 & 14 once written)

  • King Kang

    Hey just thought I'd throw this out there. When you're writing , write with something you're comfortable with wether it's writing in sand or using a laptop. I know this works cause used to I always used a pencil and got nowhere, now that I use a pen I've found it's much easier to get my ideas on paper.
  • Vincent Prendick (Shadow Eater)

    Just finished 150 page novel a few months ago. Need to get it published. Impossible to do on a student salary.

    Anyone can read a first chapter preview if they follow the link on my profile or just click:


    Have fun.

  • Jessie (Rhett and Links Besty)

    I love to right it shows my creative juices & I am left handed
  • Jacob (Ninja Robot Squirrel)

    My short story, "Frank Winston," is now available on Amazon, and Kindle Unlimited. I've written about this story before on my blog. You can read a sample of it here. It's a tale of two old guys who are crass and ornery. Think Grumpy Old Men, but in the mob (to a slight extent). They haven't had the best of luck in their years and seem to give each other the same amount of trouble that they get themselves into.

    Here is the blurb.

    Frank Winston is not just one guy, but two elderly ex-cons trying to make some extra money. With the recent purchase of a customized used van, they set out to find their fortunes. Curt Ferrero calls the men to transport some stolen goods to a buyer while the owner of these goods, a mid level gangster and Ferrero's boss, wants to put an end to Ferrero's ways. Frank and Winston are caught in the middle of an internal squabble in the mob that these grumpy old men don't want to be a part of. They just want some extra cash, but will they be able get out without getting into trouble?

    This is my first attempt at self publishing and I'm excited to finally have something of mine out there in the real world, or digital world, or... You know what I mean.

    So please, go here: http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00TGCNOU6, buy a copy, spread the word, and leave a review. Enjoy.

  • K-Mod

    Alexis (Indigo Sparrow)

    I'm going to be published! Granted, it's going to be in my university's literary journal, but I'm still stoked! I'll probably post a picture once it is actually printed.

  • K-Mod

    Victoria (Centauromadoose)

    That's fantastic, Alexis! Being published in a university lit journal is nothing to sneeze at. :)

    What genre of writing is it?

  • K-Mod

    Alexis (Indigo Sparrow)

    Thanks, Victoria! 

    It's actually a literary analysis paper. The novel I discussed was Passing by Nella Larsen. The story takes place during the 1920s and is about a woman of mixed race who passes for white. It was interesting to analyze because of how Larsen portrayed race the perception of race. I wrote about how the novel demonstrates that people of mixed race challenge perceptions of race. Since I'm of mixed race, I felt like it was something I could really relate to. 

  • K-Mod

    Victoria (Centauromadoose)

    That does sound interesting. I wrote a creative nonfiction essay in my university lit journal about being biracial white/Asian, so the issues of perception and identity surrounding mixed race is also a topic of interest for me. I might have to check out Passing one day.

  • Estée Harrell/Ramirez (Monetmom)

    I am writing a book about my son and our journey, and what he has taught me.
  • Claire S.

    We should create a rheet and link news team.

  • Ainsley Davis (Pickled Llama)

    Hi! I'm new here and so I would just introduce myself and say hi and stuff. I'm AInsley, I love writing and reading and I do all the NaNoWriMo stuff if any of you wanna talk about that and yeah. I promise I'm much better at writing than it seems.
  • Vivian

    Hi Im Vivian and i just thought I'd introiduce my self and say since you are all writers im working on geting my first book puplished
  • Jade

    Hi, I'm Jade and I've been writing for so long. I get alot of ideas and write books about them, but i always get a new book idea in the middle of writing and i start on that one. I try to work on just one book. ^-^