
Home of Rhett & Link fans - the Mythical Beasts!

Well what the title said. whats the best thing about rhett and link?

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About. Do you mean by? Then thats personal opinion. I think "In The 80s".

They are funny, clean and christians. For what more could you ask?

Yeah, I'd have to agree: the fact that they're funny without being profane. Good, clean humor takes more skill than just rattling off a bunch of inappropriate things.
Except for getting tattoos on their butts...

Kevin (UniSeal) said:
Yeah, I'd have to agree: the fact that they're funny without being profane. Good, clean humor takes more skill than just rattling off a bunch of inappropriate things.
Haha, well they didn't really show that much. And it was just of their wives' names, so it was pretty reasonable, though I'd never get a tattoo.
their awesomeness :D
how awesome they are and how wonderfully they work together.
The fact that they repeatedly make my day.  :)
I think the thing about them that keeps drawing me back is their genuineness. (Is that a word? If not, I just inventitated it.) No matter how weird or goofy the things they are you get the impression it's really them, that they're not especially faking or acting. And, more importantly, that they're not embarrassed by the things that they do, they're completely shameless. Add to that the fact that they are genuinely clean, funny, and loving (as opposed to mean-spirited) and I'm hooked.

Pretty much everything....I love that they are clean and do not hurt others for the sake of a laugh...

I learned that they are christians after I started watching them but I just loved them more when I found out....

I can let my kids watch anything they do without worrying if they will hear something inappropriate...I think they are wonderful family men and I think I like that the most...but their comedy is just as wonderful....

all the times they make me smile and laugh


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