
Home of Rhett & Link fans - the Mythical Beasts!



February 2, 2013 @ 10AM PST

LIVE chat with Rhett and Link here on the Kommunity!!

Premier Trailer by: Donna (PeachGeek)!


  • Here is the link to the entire script:


  • Here is the link to all of R&Ls Gutless Wonder readings:


  • Click HERE for the latest update on this project...
  • Cast of the Movie:

Gutless Wonders: The Movie
A Kommunity Kollaboration...

Script written by: Rhett and Link (age 14)
Directed by: Rachel (Nezulupantro)

Introduction/Scene 1: Alan Davidson
Scene 2: Amir (MegaMoose) and Brandon W. (TheGaurdianOfArlon)
Scene 3:Rachel (Nezulupantro) and Karrie (TheOriginalBookworm)
Scene 4:Solomon Triffit
Scene 5:Meals Xanthe (PirateElephant)
Scene 6:Maggie H. (JoffreyCat)
Scene 7: Ross (Rossmallow)
Scene 8:Ezra Elliot
Scene 9:Ben Wallace/Corfisto
Scene 10:Sir Chantry
Scene 11 (Written by Rizdub): Rachel (Nezulupantro) and Karrie (TheOriginalBookworm)
Scene 12: Maddie (Featherzorse)
Scene 13 (Written by: Anna (Hydropheonixsiren): Abby (TheAbominableUnixombie)
Smitty Scenes:Ratonbat (RatOnTheBat)
Credits Soundtrack: Ezra Elliot

Edited by: Rachel (Nezulupantro) and Ivette (Quadricorn)
Special thanks to: William (Hermonat) and Donna (PeachGeek)
Express your beastliness and join the Kommunity at Rhettandlinkommunity.com! Participate in a K.B.E. today!

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Scene 14 is yours, Abby :) have fun filming!
The scene is due by December 15th

Awesome! I will definitely have fun. 

wow, i should come back and check on these more often, haha, it's all good though, i had no idea how or if i'd be able to do it anyways haha. so its a good thing other people jumped in on this. YAY ABBY! 

come on guys we are almost there! :D

yay!  I'm starting a new group:  Rachel is AWESOME!   

Haha ur so funny Donna XD
Yay! So excited!

Don't forget to check out the Temporary Watch Page, which is now updated with the most recent information and links and vids and music and stuff - - ->

Gutless Wonders - - - rough cuts prior to final editing

HOORAY!!! all scenes have officially been written! the script is complete!!all scenes have also been committed to! as far as completing the movie, we are just about half way there. 7/14 scenes are still not turned in, but i have been in communication with most of the people responsible for these scenes and i am planning on receiving them in the next week! very exciting!


Thanks! and stay mythical,

Rachel (nezulupantro)

I am sorry to report that i can't finish my scene by Saturday. I just moved and my cam was broken in the movie and my internet is not up and running either. i am at the library with my kids right now so i can tell you this i am sorry.

Thank you for informing me.
We could ask Reverend BAKAANIZI's if he would like to... He wanted to make the final scene, but qasn't sure if he could...


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