
Home of Rhett & Link fans - the Mythical Beasts!

(I apologize in advance if this has already been posted, please correct me by posting the link. Thank you.)

Link to Tumblr post: http://graveyard-whistler.tumblr.com/post/138115948035/community-su... 

I saw this today and I thought it was something that should be shared here on the Kommunity. I don't know if any of you beasts saw or took the survey when it was originally posted (I honestly can't remember when it was), but it's interesting to see the stats and answers. (You don't have to say here if you took the survey.) 

What I found really interesting was the "Summary of Write-In Community Opinions" section. The user listed some very interesting comments from the survey takers about things they wanted to see changed from within the various R&L communities. I thought you'd all be interested in reading about it since the Kommunity is mentioned. I didn't realize some people felt that way. 

I can also sometimes overthink things as many of you can, but I try to remind myself to relax and accept things as they are. I also agree that people should accurately post sources to their posts if needed. And I think it would be important that we try to spread our wings a bit and crossover into other communities to see what they're all about and get involved. We should be able to bring peace and love to everywhere we go and in everything we do. That's my 2 cents. :) 

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Yeah, I was a bit surprised as well, but I understand the intentions of only posting on one social site. Kinda sad it wasn't more public, but if I wasn't digging around for fun, looking up different R&L content, I probably never would have seen it either! 

I also agree that the results would have been very different, or at least slightly different on some aspects if it had been more public, maybe. :) 

As an active Tumblr user, I can tell you that yes there is a lot of contribution and discussion going on over there, which go a lot further than a simple 'like' and 'reblog.' You just have to know where to look.

I wondered how the results would play out here. A couple people sent messages to me explaining they thought about posting a link to the survey here but they were afraid that some members would write it off and mock tumblr and so they felt too self-conscious to make a thread.

I'm sorry to hear they felt that way. I want to thank you for the effort you put into creating and sorting through this survey -- as others have said, it's very interesting and insightful. Maybe next time we can work together to get as many Beasts to participate as possible. :)

I read through the full results yesterday, so I've been digesting them a bit...there are some things I believe can be worked on and addressed here. I enjoy interacting with Mythical Beasts across several platforms since I manage our Kommunity social media accounts (side note -- I'm super pleased people gave positive feedback about our Twitter account!), so I'm particularly interested in this point from the survey:

Respondents want more communication between the mods and prominent figures of other fan communities, including reaching out to other communities for projects and using their influence to cross-promote projects from other communities.

Is there a way you could help me solicit some feedback on how we could establish or promote that kind of cross-communication? I don't have a Tumblr account (I've kind of been a ghost peeking in occasionally), so I'm also wondering if people would find it worthwhile if I made one, and that could help bridge any existing gaps between our communities.

I mean, anyone should make a personal account if they want to. Once you figure out where to look, there's a lot of art, edits and discussion of particular happenings and how they tie into past content (that's part of the reason why gifs are so popular, as they help archive and easily display moments).

I'd definitely recommend spending some time there lurking as a fan before considering any attempt to reach out or create a presence there. That said, Kommunity outposts sound like a viable way to create a network of fans, and they'd probably go a long way in helping dispel the prominent opinions about the Kommunity, not to mention giving people that have felt uncomfortable here in the past a new way to potentially put a foot back in the water.

If anyone here is legit interested in that sort of outreach, then yeah, I'd be willing to do some footwork on the tumblr end. There's definitely an audience there that would appreciate more dedicated vanilla blogs, but it's up to you guys to decide if that sort of expansion would stretch mods too thin.

Thanks for the feedback. I am definitely interested in starting some outreach -- I'll take your recommendation and make an account for myself first to get a feel for things, then I'll be sure to let you know when we get a Kommunity account going.

Cool, I'm happy to hear it. I hope the communities coming together will provide increased spaces for people to find their niche and lead to more fan content.

I've set up the official RhettandLinKommunity Tumblr blog now!


um I never heard of this survey 

I would've liked to participated but i don't have a tumbler so i never heard about this

It's alright. It wasn't published anywhere else except there. (I didn't even find it until I was researching for Daily history post video links.) That user's blog is very good, btw. 

what blog? i thought it was on tumbler?


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