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Well, I am kinda surprised to be the first to start this discussion. But, here it is. If you have anything at all that you need somebody to pray for, just put it up here. No one is here to judge, but if you don't feel comfortable putting yourself out there like that, just mention that you are having a rough time and I can guarantee that I and hopefully others in this group and on this community will be praying for you!

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My family is a bit of a wreck right now. They live in FL and I live in WA. My stepdad has colon cancer and recently had a tumor removed. Apparently, my mother decided the stress was too much and went back into her drinking and pill popping leaving the house unbelievably filthy and my six year old sister uncared for. She also gets violent and unpredicatable when she's like this. My stepdad was the only source of income and they will likely be evicted soon as they have had no money since he got sick. My mother refuses to work and they all hate each other and call me to tell me about it. My little sister is stuck in the middle and it breaks my heart. I can't help at all. I can pray, though and I am hoping someone will join me in praying for strength to live Jesus' love out loud for them and for wisdom as to what to do to take care of my little sister while keeping her safe from my mother at the same time. My mom reacts badly to the idea of someone stepping in to help and things can get very bad for my little sister quickly if my mom thinks it is going to happen.
Thanks you guys.
Hey guys I was wondering if i could ask for prayer- I have been having these fainting spells since last summer and at times I blank out and get confused or can't make the right word come out (for example I will try to say green but orange will come out instead no matter how hard I try.) I have also been getting numb spots throughout my body and headaches that take me out of commission. These things wouldn't be so hard but the past few days, I am getting these random stabs in my head that instantly make me want to throw up and it is getting scary for me. I am afraid to go in because I have to go to docs a lot as it is and I don't want to add anything else to my husband's list of bills. WIll you guys please pray? Thanks
Hey everyone, I know that I don't have the opportunity post that often, but I do have a prayer request. As most of you know, I am a youth pastor in Ohio and my family has been raised in church from a very young age. My grandma was diagnosed with cancer this afternoon and they're only giving her about 3-6 months. We serve a mighty God that can heal her and remove the cancer completely from her body. So one of two things are going to happen in the next 3-6 months...She's either going to be healed miraculously or she's going to go home to be with the Lord. Either way, God will get the glory. Please pray for her, her name is Millie. My dad is also taking this pretty hard, obviously. Thanks guys...
I just found out our church music director's son broke his pelvis at a track meet. I don't really know any of the details but please keep him in your prayers. Thanks.
My dad (85), who is the primary care-giver for my mom (79) who has Alzheimer's disease, recently developed severe nerve damage in his feet (they are paralyzed and he has no muscle control so he has to walk like he is wearing flippers). Both of them are disciples of the Lord Jesus. Please pray for healing and that the nerve damage would not be permanent, that dad (who has been very vigorous until last week) would not become discouraged because he can no longer drive. Please pray for my brother and me as we try to find a care solution ( I live 800 miles away). Thanks and Blessings!
I've got a prayer request. Today, one of my friends fell 15 feet off of a ladder at work and broke his arm and just about every bone in his face . He's getting ready to go into surgery and I'm just asking if everyone could please pray for him and his family. Thanks.
Hey there everyone! Would appreciate your prayers for my family. I won't go into all the ugly personal details, but life has just been pretty stressful for the past two years. I know some trials are necessary, but I'm really hoping God does something major for one certain person in my life very soon. Thanks for your prayers!
Please pray for my 2 nephews Christian 12 and Caleb 11. They are on a Missions trip to Honduras. They left today and won't be back till the first week of August. This is though Teen Missions International. They go to Florida for 2 weeks and the rest of the time will be in Honduras.
Prayers requested for my wife. She left a job a month ago and is back on the market. We were a single-income household for a little while, and it allowed both of us some extra time in our days to really get in a habit of getting into the Bible and starting the day off with Prayer. She's been very blessed with her job hunts lately... was hired for her last job within 24 hours of applying! We're hoping the process is easy again, and more importantly, that we are able to maintain the good relationship we've built with God even when life gets a little busier.
my family is moving to United Arab Emirates. please pray 4 us.
Hey, i've been praying... hoping.. and needing some support. My mom got laid off and I'm not giving up, only to the fact that she was keeping us in a house with a roof... i dont know what we're were gonna do, but thanks for your prayers!
My dad's having surgery on his lung tomorrow, and I'd really appreciate the prayers for the doctors and for him :)


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