
Home of Rhett & Link fans - the Mythical Beasts!

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I like Nutella, but I agree - peanut butter is better! 

The question about adults drinking juice boxes reminded me of this video: 

Haha YES. When Link commented on it, I thought "oh come now, I *KNOW* I've seen you drinking from a juice box."

My vote goes to Nutella. But now I'm going to have to try the two together on one spoon.

Way back in the 1980's (before most of you were born) there was a whole series of commercials for Reese's with this catch phrase . . .


 . . . bur seriously, who struts down the sidewalk munching on a jar of peanut butter???

The Juice box question was mine! :D

So thrilled to have them totally destroy my last name on the show. Nobody can say it and I always have a good laugh about that, but never laughed as hard about as I did this time around!

Oh... and I think peanut butter is the winner in that showdown!

Actually, I think that when Link came up with the "Mc-Enemy" comments I could actually hear the wheels spinning inside Rhett's brain . . . change one letter and . . . but then again, this is a family-type program.  Let's just not go there.


Besides, it wasn't at McDonald's, was it?

I love the musical intro to the mail segment - one of the best highlights of GMM - YEAH!!! :)

I tried Nutella and Peanut Butter together - HEAVEN!!! :)

Nutella is still my favourite - on a metal spoon, childhood pastime - YEAH!!! :)

I bought a jar of Nutella on the way to work recently, after watching this episode...then proceeded to sneak spoonfuls throughout the day... >.>



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