
Home of Rhett & Link fans - the Mythical Beasts!

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it was a really incredible episode, the best we had in a while.

I can't commit to watching the musical (because I'm scared? haha I don't know) but I will later after the coffee kicks in. I will agree about Papa John's though! I'm a devoted Papa John's fan. 

That was one of the best episodes I've seen - OMG!!! :)

Epic musical action - I was actually touched by the reality and the magic of this pizza story - I applauded - make more, it could catch on - WOWSERS!!! :)

That was an awesome intro - YEAH!!! :)

I hope they do that on tuesdays and the Facebook thing on thurdays! That would be awesome!

I was an extra on a movie once and they made me eat stale pizza for, like, 20 takes and it was Papa Johns and I didn't want to eat it ever again. After a few years I got over it and now it's my favorite. It is the best. 


What movie?

The Substitute (1996). You can see me in a couple of scenes. It was interesting but hard sometimes because we were out in the hot Florida sun all day long for two days. Oh! And right after the pizza-eating scene they gave us lunch and it was pizza.

Oh gosh, I would love to be paid to eat pizza, but stale is not good.
I was an extra on a tv show once and had to drink this fake beer, but it tasted like real beer and it was disgusting.

hmmmm . . . pizza and beer . . . you sure that you two weren't at some kind of intergalactic kegger?

I LOVE Men in Black! 


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