
Home of Rhett & Link fans - the Mythical Beasts!


My friend is an artist and him and I are working on turning a shorter version of this poem and his artwork into a childrens book :-)





On a camping trip

One bright summers day

There was a young girl

Who wandered away


And as little kids do

She quickly lost track

She was suddenly lost

With no way to get back


Her parents were frantic

And everyone searched

But the weather was taking

A turn for the worst


There was thunder and lightning

And trees crashing down

But still the poor girl

Just couldn't be found


She was up in the mountains

Soaked to the skin

In shock and exhausted

Her future looked grim


Just then, a dark figure

Came out of the night

And the little girl knew

That she'd be alright


He took her to shelter

Where she soon fell asleep

Then back to the shadows

The creature did creep


But he didn't go far

Just out of sight

Where no one could find him

And he watched her all night


When the storm finally passed

And the danger was gone

Man's missing link

Knew he had to move on


For he is an outcast

And a loner at heart

In a world which he knows

He can never be part


So he lives mostly

In stories and myths

Only fools believe

That he really exists


But when the girl talks

Of that night's ordeal

She speaks of the creature

That she knows is real


She says he is kind

And most of all brave

She calls him her hero

Who lives in a cave


Her parents just smile

And then shake thier heads

They're just glad she's home

And safe in her bed


And up in the hills

Time marches on

For a lifeform

Who's time has come and gone


But he's glad he could help

Get that little girl home

'Cause he knows how it feels

To be lost and alone



~Cynthia Howe ~ 




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Very Kool...
I live in WA where he suppose to live. I wonder if he's like he water horse and that's why we never see them or remainder of them. Just got me to thinking.
Yes, lots of reported Sasquatch sightings in the Pacific Northwest, so keep your eyes peeled, you just never know :-)

JeanetteWifeMoMhorphin✞Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ said:
Very Kool...
I live in WA where he suppose to live. I wonder if he's like he water horse and that's why we never see them or remainder of them. Just got me to thinking.
This is a very sweet poem, I love the feel of it ... ( it reminded me of my daughters favorite Old movie" Harry and the Hendersons") A sweet friendly sasquatch who befriended a family but they had to set him free because (he didn't belong)


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