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Last night, I had a strange dream. I was somewhere in New York, and in order to get to this tiny island for my grandmother's party, we had to take a small plane. On the plane was me, my mom, a pilot, Rhett, and Link. Even though I was on the plane and knew who they were, my fan girl didn't kick in until afterwards. The next day, I met them formally. Long story short, after a weird plane decision thing, I was about to get on a plane with them again, but I woke up.

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Comment by Isabel Tyree (Lion Fairy) on September 15, 2012 at 8:09am

My dream wasn't as exiting, but I forgot to finish my Halloween costume and was really stressed out. I've noticed in most, if not all of my dreams, I wake up just before it is over. I's like my body times the dreams to when my alarm clock goes off so I never get an ending.

Comment by deanna bakeonaiter on September 15, 2012 at 8:01am

i had a dream that i was shopping wit my mom we saw katniss and then just for the fun of it stole a car.  we didnt get to far when i was taken i was put in a car with a man who was a vampire and his family that hated god. his family left and he wouldnt answer my questions he kept me and another girl hidden for a while and only let us see the outside world and eat food from the outside world once a week soon he gatherd more children. by this time i was 16. i had seen my mother once but she didnt recongize me.  i wasnt scared through out the dream just discusted at the man.there is more of the dream some i dont remember.

Comment by Isabel Tyree (Lion Fairy) on September 13, 2012 at 6:04pm

I once had a dream that involved fairies, Star Wars, princesses, hot pink love potions, Rikki-Tikki-Tavi (boy, not a mongoose). Bst Dream Ever. (maybe)

Comment by The Master (Timelord) on September 12, 2012 at 11:07pm
Here it goes, directly coppied and paste from my dream journal. **note** names you will not recognize, but eventually, it gets funny. Also, this is the longest, most detailed dream ive ever had.
Here it is:

Anthony began to vlog in the bathroom. He flushed the toilet, and left, still vlogging. He then saw a girl sitting on a table dressed as batman, and began to talk with her. He asked her to the naked ball. She said yes and they both merrily walked off. 
Then, I was in the car with Brianna. We are riding to her house. Her mother parallel parked in front of a blue house with nave blue shutters, and screen windows. The house looked abandoned, but her mom turned off the car, and began to climb out. I remarked, "wow, you're really good at parallel parking!" 
She responded with, "well I've had years and years of practice."
We walked inside, but we are soon stopped when Brianna says, "maybe we should do this some other time." I agree, and leave. 
Then, I am at madi's house, we are in the basement, which looks exactly like Shelby's basement. We stand in madi's room, which has a blue bed pushed against the wall, the end facing a blue bookcase, parallel with a blue dresser. In the ceiling, there are these holes the size of half-dollars, with skinny little brown tails dangling out. Madi pointed at these, and said, "those are little holes where these furry little brown rodents live.  If you stick your finger in there, I hear that they will fall out and chase you." 
At that, she stuck her thumbs in two of the holes, and sure enough, to brown little rodents fell out, and raced into the hallway. We could hear her large yellow lab bounding down the stairs, so we slammed the door shut and got in the closet. We both knew that the dog was chasing the rodents, so we came back out and cracked the door a little. A yellow lab, two rodents, and a black cat were all running in a circle, chasing each other. Madi and I avoided the chaos and ran upstairs. Her little brother pointed at me in a tattle tail-ish fashion, and said, "they purposely let the creatures out!" 
"they fell out!" I lied.
"nuh UHHH!!!" said her brother. I pushed past him and decided that I'd had enough. So I left.
Now I was at a pool. Ian was there, and he had given me a riddle to solve. I went over to the diving board and did a few dives, but I still didn't have the answer to the riddle. I decided that I would find the answer to the riddle if I did a flip off of the diving board. Everyone at the pool stopped what they were doing to see me do a flip. I jumped high, did the flip and landed perfectly without injuring myself. Then, I realized the answer to the riddle, so when I came up, I shouted, "THE ANSWER IS MISSY FRANKLIN!!!!" 
Ian said, "you're right! Good job!" I swam to the stairs and climbed out. Then I saw Link, who was soaking wet, but had a green T shirt and jeans on. I immediately went up to him and said, "hi!" 
He responded with, "I don't know you, but we are now best friends!" and he gave me a side hug. I gave him a side hug as well, and we walked over to another set of stairs leading into the pool, where Rhett and a few other girls were sitting (in T shirts and jeans). Then I woke up.

A lot of my dreams take place near water, like at a lake, or a pool, but always no one is ever in a bathing suit. They are always in a t shirt and jeans. I have a lot of Rhett and link dreams, especially on nights when I listen to their podcasts to help me fall asleep. But Rhett Barged into my house in one, and then proceeded to take TWO bagels I had previously prepared. WHO NEEDS TWO BAGELS?!
Comment by deanna bakeonaiter on September 5, 2012 at 9:39pm

who doesnt !!!!! : D

Comment by Isabel Tyree (Lion Fairy) on September 5, 2012 at 7:12am

I love dreaming.

Comment by deanna bakeonaiter on September 4, 2012 at 8:38pm

ive had dreams wit vampires and harry potter but not rhett and link

Comment by deanna bakeonaiter on September 4, 2012 at 8:37pm

i had a dream..that i couldnt sleep so i went to the living room and saw my mom but she looked like the mom from family guy . she told me to go to the basement with my bro i go weird-ed out. so its all dark and i step into a roller coaster and its just like space mountain. do i get off and walk down a path way still in my basement.....i dont rember much after that

Comment by Isabel Tyree (Lion Fairy) on September 4, 2012 at 6:00am
I once had a dream where I was at my school, but no matter what I did I couldn't find my history classroom even though it was halfway through the year. My school just kept changing in me.
Comment by deanna bakeonaiter on September 3, 2012 at 11:12pm

i had a dream where me my friend my sister and my teacher went on a feild trip and we found gold so we collected the gold and went home my sister went and bought a dress wit her gold so me and my friend went to a pawn shop to see wat ours was worth. we didnt get an answer so i played wit my other friend for a while till i went on my school bus the next morining. there wasnt a seat in the front or middle so i took a seat in the back i heard singing in the front so i went up there and sang too . everyone went silent and i was embarrassed. so i got off my bus and my friend ran off the bus screaming my other friends name . we got to class  and i sat in the wrong seat we played a game and wrote definitions ........................the end. 

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