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Grace (Pheasphant)'s Comments

Comment Wall (15 comments)

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At 9:03pm on October 11, 2017, Ari said…

Great job on the video!

At 9:05pm on January 19, 2017, Jaymie Nunnery (Jayameez Cat) said…

Hey Grace!! Nothing makes me happier than coming on here and seeing friends with stars on their profiles!! Congratulations!!

At 7:44am on January 19, 2017, Alli (gator) said…

Congratulations for getting a star!!! :3

At 3:19pm on January 17, 2017, Heather S. (YogaGhost) said…


At 4:44am on January 16, 2017, Alli (gator) gave Grace (Pheasphant) a gift
Happy late birthday!
At 10:40pm on August 25, 2016, Brennan (Bonnacon) gave Grace (Pheasphant) a gift
At 9:47pm on August 19, 2016, Heather S. (YogaGhost) said…

Just want to say super thank you for keeping on with the history posts! :) 

At 12:54am on July 02, 2016, Millie the Magical Mangatyde gave Grace (Pheasphant) a gift
At 12:22pm on March 29, 2016, Heather S. (YogaGhost) said…

Thanks. I don't have the time at the moment to make one myself, so anybody can if they like! :) 

At 10:24pm on March 6, 2016, Heather S. (YogaGhost) said…

Hey, is there a discussion post for songs/albums that the guys have mentioned in passing, like if they are fans of something or someone but didn't technically make it an assignment, like in the earlier seasons? Example, I was just watching "What Your Glasses Say About You" episode and Rhett mentions he and his wife are Robin Thicke fans. ?? :) 

At 11:00pm on February 21, 2016, Casey Levine (The Narwaffle) said…

Thank you for liking my photo. ^.^

At 5:34am on February 1, 2016, Stormy (Eurobeat Kirin) said…

Thank you for helping out with the transcripts! :3

At 10:15pm on December 10, 2015, Stormy (Eurobeat Kirin) said…

They're all yours! Happy transcribing :3

At 5:40am on September 17, 2015, לוי mega golem) said…

Wellkome to the Group honoring Harry Chapin whether you are a fan of his because of his music or his charity work this is a\the group for you

At 8:26pm on September 8, 2015, ApathyFront said…

Welkomm to the kommunity!! i hope you found you way. Please be aware of our new rules and please enjoy yourself!! i'm glad you joined!

~signed the painter

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