
Home of Rhett & Link fans - the Mythical Beasts!

This discussion is for what you want to happen and/or think will happen in the upcoming installment, or beyond! Season 5 of the show ended with a few huge cliffhangers. I understand the books may be a little further along with some characters than where the show ended, so let's focus this discussion on the show. Feel free to also ask about current gaps/holes in the story you may have found, if you think they will be resolved, and/or how you think they may be explained! So... who is going to survive til the end? Or, maybe the better question is: Who is going to die last?!

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I am currently reading Book 3, and just thought of something as I was reading a part about Arya... Back in Season 1, Nymeria, Arya's wolf, bit Jeoff. They made her flee, so Cersei demanded Lady be killed in Nymeria's stead. Has Nymeria ever resurfaced, and I missed it? If not, does anyone think she ever will?

I would like to think she makes a triumphant return somehow, but I kind of doubt it will ever happen, especially with Arya over in Braavos... Oh no. What if Arya comes back to Westeros under the guise of a new identity and, in a strange twist of fate, is killed by Nymeria, who doesn't even recognize her! Since Arya is a Stark, my money is now on this stupid theory I just thought of. :(

Similarly, what is going on with Osha and Rickon? Will they ever resurface?!

I COMPLETELY forgot about Nymeria! I hope that theory doesn't happen, I do think if she's not dead yet they will be reunited at some point, hopefully! OH I've been overthinking about the whole 'faceless' thing, Jaqen can do it.. he's teaching 'no one' how to do it.. There might be others who aren't who they say they are.. :O 

I hope Jaime finds out about 'what's her face' (forgotten her name!)  killing Myrcella, and I hope he gets his revenge!

I hope Tommen does something about Margaery, like by getting her out 

With Daenerys I think she might try to get the Khalasar back on her side, they won't try to kill her when they know she has three full grown dragons to protect her! or they might fear her now  

I THINK Ser Joras might be one of the few people next to die.. cause of the greyscale thing...

Woah! I think you just blew my mind... So you are proposing the idea that potentially one of the characters up to this point could be a faceless one? I don't know how feasible that would be tho... I feel like the faceless ones have that whole strict religion thing going on, would they be able to assume the face of someone for such a long time? Or who do you think is lying about their identity?

I don't know if I want that to happen... Cuz it is going to mean war. If Jaime doesn't start a war, Cersei most definitely will. And that's exactly what the realm needs... Everyone in King's Landing and stuff heading south to fight a war, meanwhile, the white walker army is making it's move on the North... There will be no one to stop them.

I hope Tommen does too... I also hope that smug little pious son of a bitch burns in the seven hells. I mean, I loved how he basically betrayed Cersei, but she's an idiot for thinking he wouldn't. That smug pious asshole. Locking up Margaery and Loras... He needs to die so Tommen can get control again.

I think they will sacrifice Dany to the Great Stallion, but then in doing so she is reborn as a dragon and flies to King's Landing to take the throne. She will also then slay all of the white walkers and live happily ever after as a dragon, the end.

I believe you meant Ser Jorah, unless there is another knight with greyscale that I missed. :P  But I dunno, greyscale kind of confuses me. Is this a real disease that existed? Either way, Stannis' girl was able to be saved, so it's not strictly impossible... Of course, she also had just abou' every Maester in Westeros look at her... But it's been a while since he contracted it, I'm guessing he doesn't have much longer, so you are probably right.

Haha, hmm Possibly.... but then again Idk.. After you've said that I'm starting to doubt it's even possible now.. Or who would be and what reason they would have for doing it.. My brain hurts haha,

Oh yeah.. But still, holy crap, Cersie doesn't even know about Myrcella yet does she? :( Her only daughter, sad. .. Oh yeah! The white walkers.. Everyone is screwed, (well except everyone who has dragonglass) and the more people who die the army is just going to grow D: What if in the end everyone dies and no one gets the throne... I wouldn't like that ending but it could happen,

Yeah, haha guess you don't like him :') Tbh I don't even think they should be locked up.. What did they even do

Hahahahaha! That whole thing about Dany.. Funny :P She'll "live happily ever after as a dragon, the end" though, I wish haha

Ohhhh yeah silly me, who the hell is Ser Joras? oopsies, yeah I meant JORAH :') umm, yeah it's true she had abou' (very funny) every Maester try to help her and stuff... And he hasn't even told anyone yet!! He's screwed

Well, Jon accidentally figured out Valyrian Steel also kills them... but that's not much of a help either. So yeah, maybe you are right, all the soldiers heading south wouldn't be a bad thing... But it still wouldn't be a good thing, it would just be delaying the inevitable. I think if the white walkers win, someone will at least head to Essos and survive... Arya, Dany, Tyrion, and Varys are already there, unless they go back.

Um, Loras is gay, which is sacrilegious or whatever, so that's why he is locked up. And Margaery swore in front of the Gods to tell the truth and was proven to have lied about Loras' extracurricular activities, so that's why she was taken.

Thanks! I'm glad you like my ending! :D

Yeah, he is just abou' (thanks) screwed, but I don't know if he is necessarily dead... I mean, the greyscale doesn't kill you, it just turns you into one of those weird ass gargoyle-human creatures that bit him in the first place. It's like a vampire or something. Maybe he can turn a couple more people before he gets killed or run out of civilization! 

Yeah.. So basically everyone has no chance, unless like you said they go over there, OR if ALL the houses came together (which I doubt) to fight against them, they might have a chance... There aren't many of those weapons though :o

Oh yeah I remember now, those are still crappy reasons to be locked up :( 

haha you're welcome, that was good though :') 

Oh yeah.. But .. " In the final stages the curse turned inward, to muscles, bones, and inner organs" so doesn't that mean they will die eventually...  but anyway he'll probably be killed before that haha aww 

I doubt that aswell... but perhaps Melisandre with her Lord of Light can conjure something up to repel the white walkers. She's up there, with seemingly nothing else to do (except perhaps save Jon Snow!)   Also, where was it that Samwell went? He went to go learn how to be a maester, right? Where's that at? Do you think he will do anything important as a Maester? He knows what can kill the white walkers, perhaps with the other maesters' help they can find a way to defend the realm.

Did you find that quote from the wiki or something? Or is that something you've memorized from the books? :P   also, lol! This is how I imagined you looked like during that last sentence

hmm maybe, I was thinking couldn't fire kill them? You know, dragon fire? :O:O ... I really do hope she can do something to bring him back though :( 

aww Sam, I love Sam, and yeah he did, he went to Old town to the Citadel where he'll be trained, I totally didn't look that up I know my shit .... Just kidding I did, I forgot he was going there.. Never thought about it, maybe.. they're smart people so it's possible!

I think it was in the book but I didn't memorize it, so yeah wiki :') Hhahaha! that gif though, but  yep that's pretty much how I felt haha he is one of my favourite characters so 

Well yeah, that's why I think Dany has the best chance of winning the throne, cuz she seems to have the best chance of stopping the white walkers.

I used to hate Sam at first for some reason... I can't remember why tho. 

haha, i know, i feel like that gif fit your feelings exactly. lmao, I still crack up "but anyway he'll probably be killed before that haha aww" :')   But hold on, lets talk Ser Jorah real fast... I just read in the book the scene where Ser Jorah kisses Dany while they are on the ship. And she goes "you shouldn't have-" and he interrupts and says "Shouldn't have waited so long to do that."   Did they ever kiss in the show?! I do not remember that happening in the show... Am I just dumb, or did it not happen?

Oh, duh haha,

:O nooo poor Sammy, I felt really sorry for him the first time we saw him, he was a bit of a wuss though tbh but still, I wanted to give him a hug haha, I will actually be so happy if he does find a way to defend them, then he could be like "up yours" to everyone who doubted he could do anything or who made fun of him, (If they haven't died yet) 

hahah :) no you're not dumb they never kissed in the show :') 

Dammit Sheryl, yes I'm talking to myself, had to change it to 'defend them' cause he already knows how to kill them duh

First Reply: Haha, if you hugged Sam, you would probably disappear for a bit. But maybe the wuss part was part of what made me hate him. Also his weird thing with... umm... crap... the wildling girl? But now I like him... He was really lucky to leave tho! With Jon possibly dead, Sam would have been next for sure!

Okay, good. I didn't think they did... Why would they remove that part? I found it to be pretty important to the relationship between Dany and Ser Jorah. And the actress who plays Dany is pretty old (she's definitely not 14 or whatever Dany is), so it can't be that.

Second Reply: Damnit Sheryl, yes I'm talking to you too, you can be so silly sometimes! :P


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