
Home of Rhett & Link fans - the Mythical Beasts!

Location:      Mall of America

                      3rd Floor Food Court near the Moose Mountain Mini Golf

Address:        8100 24th Ave S, Bloomington, MN 55425

Website:        http://www.mallofamerica.com/shopping/directions

Your Host:    Lynnae Forstner-Mystic Flutterby Koppo    

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Koppo,  I am sorry. I cannot be there tomorrow. Erin, my daughter, had to have surgery today and she is  still in the hospital in St Cloud.  I hope you have a good time without us......See you next year.

I so wish I could go. But I unfortunately have to work. T_T

ok koppo dont panic. Someone needs to make a poster. My friend and I are wearing all black, Im wearing a Camp Tomahawk hat and she is wearing a beanie. I have a Stitch shirt on and she has a Sol Eater shirt. We will be by the same place. I will be there around 12:45ish. I do have the Doritos Roulette, but I could not find the Bean Boozled in time. I am heading there right now.
My friend and I both have backpacks. If anyond could make a poster really quick that would be awesome. Lynnae, hope your daughters surgery goes well!
I will see you all there!
Ok so remodeling. Go all the way down by the Just Brew it and the Gamestop. We are awkwardly sitting here
It was just me and my friend. We had to leave since no one showed up. ;-;


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