
Home of Rhett & Link fans - the Mythical Beasts!

Location:       Shops of Grand River
Address:        6200 Grand River Blvd East, Leeds, AL 35094 (near Birmingham)

Website:        http://www.shopsofgrandriver.com/

Your Host:    Mary Lee J. (redheadedsparrow)

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*ahem* I'm normal. I swear!

I will be the host for all you Alabama people out there who happen to be attending MythiCon this year! Nice to meet you! :3

Anyhow, if you have any questions, comments, etc., do not hesitate to ask! I should have no problem with responding to them as soon as you send them, the situation depending. Be sure to post them here!

I hope to have lots of nice happy smiling beasts this year! 

Keep being your mythical best,

                              -Redheaded Sparrow

(I feel like a stupid person for asking this) Which Mythicon Will R&L be Attending? ~ Maxi

Hi Maxi,

As Mary Lee mentioned, the California Mythicon is the event Rhett and Link would be most likely to attend. However, they did not attend any Mythicon gathering last year, so there is no guarantee they will even go to the California one. The only Mythicon they attended was the Los Angeles meetup the very first year that Mythicon was held (2013).

I hope that answered your question!

Most likely the one in California. It would most definitely be the easiest for them to get to.

And don't feel stupid for asking any questions! The Kommunity is not for bullying or the likes of it, and I speak for probably everyone when I say if we saw someone being rude to a member of our little family here. So if anyone is ever so rude to you, especially in the chat room, moral support will be immediately provided by the rest of the massive family you joined when you first signed in.

Keep being your mythical best,

-Redheaded Sparrow

hey what day is mythicon there?

The fourth Saturday in July, I believe the nineteenth. So sorry for the late reply!

My apologies, I have it marked in my calendar as the eighteenth, which would be the third Saturday, not the fourth. My mistake! Thanks for your support, and I hope to see you there.

What will be some of the activities there? I saw this one place that was talking about them having their own wheel of mythicality and other fun stuff haha.
I'm not sure yet, but if you have suggestions, feel free to post them here in the comments! Thanks for your support.

I'm thinking some mythical coloring sheets for the kids and adults who love to color (nothing wrong with that! There's no point in growing up if you can't be childish sometimes!), as well as some sing-along/karaoke and trivia. I think our own wheel of mythicality and intro could be awesome, so I'll take that under consideration.
Thanks so much for your feedback and support, and I hope to see you at MythiCon 2015!

Be your mythical best,

Thank you for your support! I hope to see you there!


I have just discovered this as of today.  Was wondering if it is something that you can bring kids too as well? Also, will there be ticket prices, and what all might be involved.  Thanks in advance!


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