
Home of Rhett & Link fans - the Mythical Beasts!

Location:       North Point Mall

Address:        1000 N Point Cir, Alpharetta, GA 30022

Website:        http://www.northpointmall.com

Your Host:     Faith and Grace & Pepper Flower

State Flag of Georgia

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I looked everywhere for it and couldn't find it did I over look it or are you not doing it

When I went to this earlier today, I kept running into Mythical Beasts looking for the hosts, and none of us could find the hosts. I kind of took over as host because I was the only one wearing a Good Mythical Morning shirt and we talked but we didn't get to play games or anything and so we just talked about Rhett and Link but there was NO HOSTS TO BE SEEN.


Where was it?

I am so sorry you didn't see me!! I was there but I forgot my badge at Clarie's when I went shopping before and saw some Mythical Beast's but my mom said that I shouldn't go up to them since I didn't know you guys. There will be a make-up by Indie Ingram!!

We are all disappointed that today didn't turn out... Our host was a NO SHOW!!! I vote we have a make up day and my mom said she will help host and do whatever she needs so we can have Good Mythical FUN!!! Is anyone interested in doing a make up day in August?

That's the spirit, Indie!  MythiCon is where you make it, and who you make it with.  I hope you guys do have a chance for a mythical re-do.

I was there though!! I was at the food court at 1:00 pm EST yesterday. I saw some people but, I forgot my badge at Claire's at 12:30 pm. I am so sorry!!!! 

I sincerely hope that if there is a Mythicon next year in Georgia that whoever volunteers to host it will commit to it and be serious about the responsibility they are taking.  We were at Northpoint Mall today at 1:00 and there was NO Mythicon to be found.  We circled the food court a number of times and walked the mall, upstairs and down, two times and found nothing other than others in Rhett and Link shirts who had shown up and were doing the same thing we were doing, desperately trying to find this meeting.

If you woke up this morning and just decided you didn't 'feel' like hosting, if you woke up deathly ill, then you should have at least had the foresight to jump on here, profusely apologize, and let everyone know that it had been cancelled.  The decision to attend this was not a spur of the moment thing, we got out of bed and drove almost 2 hours one way just to do this.  I'm sure we were not the only ones.  I don't know how old the hosts are, but this should be a lesson in treating others how you would want to be treated and in knowing how your actions affect others.   4 hours and many gallons of gas on the road for us, who knows how many others.  Please don't host next year or at least take your hosting commitment more seriously!@!

I am so sorry you didn't see me!! I was there but I forgot my badge at Clarie's when I went shopping before and saw some Mythical Beast's but my mom said that I shouldn't go up to them since I didn't know you guys. There will be a make-up by Indie Ingram!!

Please remember for the future, if you volunteer to host an event but are not allowed to approach the people who came to the event that you volunteered to host, then please leave the hosting opportunity open to someone who is actually willing to put something together and let people know where they are.  I'm a bit confused how your mom would allow you to host something and then not allow you to approach people who came to the event that you had volunteered to host, especially when you didn't have your badge.  Even if she didn't want you to approach them, couldn't she have approached on your behalf?  I'm sure if she put herself in the shoes of some of the parents who more or less wasted a whole day to let their children take part in an event that didn't happen because the host wasn't prepared or 'not allowed' to partake in regular hosting duties (pointing out their location, approaching people, etc) she would not be happy either.

Without a badge, or something along the lines of a big poster telling people they had reached the right place, how else was anyone else supposed to find you if you did not approach them?

It's nice that you've arranged a make up, but with a little more planning it wouldn't have been necessary.  Personally we don't have time to spend an additional 4 hours on the road to get back and forth to a place that may or may not have an event.  I hope that others that are closer to North Point Mall can take advantage of the make up day, but unfortunately we won't be taking the risk.

I waved my hand at some people and my mom was holding a sign so I don't know how you didn't see us.


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