
Home of Rhett & Link fans - the Mythical Beasts!

Location:       Cool Springs Galleria

Address:        1800 Galleria Blvd., Franklin, TN 37067

Website:        http://www.coolspringsgalleria.com/

Your Host:     LOKI (Time Lawd Sweg)& Hippocampus (Hip)

Map of Tennessee

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Three answers -

1. Food Court

2. Buy your own lunch



Be your mythical best!

I am going.

Ill try to be on time but I may be like 30 mins late.
I would of been there if I didn't have to work today.

i understand. no problem. i had planed on sending the poster in with all our names but only 1 name seems silly. Next Year!

I was there but there was no way to tell who our people were.

I was lost without the hosts.

i WAS the host, and a had a 3ft by 3ft poster that said ... nm next year we will use the room i had rented at Jeds, that will be better than a food court.  but i sat there with my son and a friend for almost 2 hours. i tried to get ahold of people here and on fb the day before and time of.  so i feel i did all i could do with what i was given. if we want to try again we can. not at a mall please. i do meet ups in Nashville every week, so i  have a set up. just let me know.

sorry if i seem grumpy, but 2 HOURS with a big shiny poster, people waling up and shaking their heads at to people over age 30 in a mall with a baby and a poster that looked like it was made for high school. I felt trolled. my husband didn't go for fear of looking like a pedo. so "I was lost without the hosts" kinda hurts to read. unless you were there after 3pm, i took down the poster and stared packing up the art kit and food at 2:30... 


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