
Home of Rhett & Link fans - the Mythical Beasts!

Location:       Eat at National Place  (at Freedom Plaza)

Address:        1331 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20004

Website:        http://eatatnationalplace.com/

Your Host:     Victoria (Centauromadoose) and a co-host to be named

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It sounds like we have about 6 people (7 including me) interested in the DC Mythicon so far. If you know more people in the DC area who'd like to attend, please send them here!

I'd like to hear some opinions on how we might incorporate a visit to one of the iconic memorials. I think the Lincoln Memorial would be the most impressive for some group photos. But do we want to meet at the memorial first, then head over to Eat at National Place (I think we decided on that instead of ITC) -- or do we want to have lunch first and then head to the memorial for some photos and wrap up there?

Mythicon is set to start at 1:00 p.m. across the U.S., so we might want to take into consideration that people could already be quite hungry by 1:00. Or, we could always change our meeting time if we want. Let me know!

I'm in Virginia, and might be able to attend.

We'd love to have you!

Hi there! I would really love to attend! I'm from Towson, MD so DC isn't that far. I'm not 100% sure about it because of my work schedule. I wouldn't know until about 2 weeks before the event. I really hope I can join all of you. I'm crossing my fingers. :o)

Keep us posted once you find out. :)


DC Mythicon is taking place on Saturday, July 19 at 1:00 p.m., which is only about a week and a half away.

We will be meeting at the Eat at National Place food court on Pennsylvania Avenue for lunch (see the top of the page for location and details). Make sure you have money to pay for your food, but that will be your only expense. If we feel like it, we'll also go to the Lincoln Memorial after lunch for some photos!

Most of you seem to be in Virginia and Maryland, so please make your plans for driving or taking the metro so you can be in downtown DC that afternoon.

THANKS, and I hope to see you all there!

Sadly I won't be able to make it. I work until 12:30 that day. It's not enough time to get home, get ready and then drive to the nearest subway station. Really wish I could have made it. :(

Sorry it didn't work out with your schedule. =/ Maybe next year!


I'll post here on Saturday when I get to the food court and find a place to sit. I'll be a short brunette wearing glasses and the bright blue Good Mythical Morning T-shirt.

I hope to see some of you there.

Okay, folks -- if you're looking for me, I'm on the second level near the elevators, in the big seating area of Esprinto Cafe, Quiznos, Chicken Place, etc. Not very crowded up here, so I should be fairly easy to spot!
I hope everyone has fun!!!!! Wish I could be there. I am 100% going next year. :)

Well it turns out you didn't miss much -- no one remembered to show up, so nothing happened. Next year I should have an automatic co-host, and maybe we'll be able to drum up more interest.


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