
Home of Rhett & Link fans - the Mythical Beasts!

Location:       Memorial Park ~ Provo

Address:        800 East Center Street, Provo, UT 

Website:        http://www.provo.org/Home/Components/FacilityDirectory/FacilityDire...

Your Host:     Clara (Star-Nosed Platyphant) 

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Where in Utah is it held?

@ Clara -Utah does not yet have a host or site.  Still waiting for the local MBs like you to do some planning.   There was not a meeting in Utah last year, although there were a couple of members who discussed planning one and I even got involved trying to help them find a mid-point site.  Here are some of those links, if you think you could get something going . . .


Here is a search of kommunity members who listed UTAH as their home state on their profile settup, but I know there a many more  . . .


So I've looked at all the Mythical Beasts in Utah, and the majority of them live in either Salt Lake County or Utah County. Do you think it would be reasonable to hold Mythicon there instead of the middle of the state? Also, Im not sure exactly where yet. Thanks!

YES! You are in charge of the gathering of all Utes . . . do whatever and wherever your mythical heart desires

This is only year 2 for MythiCon.  There was an attempt to coordinate a Utah meeting last year, but all the interested parties backed out.  You should check the MC-2013 discussion log starting at page 18 thru around 20 to get some feel for what was done . . . the interested parties were:


All the suggestions I have are already posted at either

I think that utah valley would work well! perhaps provo? Let me know if you need help! @clara

I know personally 5 or so mythical beasts who could come if it was in provo. 

Do we have a site planned? I would like to see this a happen this year. I like in the salt lake area, but I understand that many love south of there. If we cn get something planned I would be happy to see it happen.

It will DEFIANTLY happen this year, Im really sorry I don't have a location yet, but I'm working hard to find one! It will more than likely be held in Utah County or Salt Lake County area, like maybe Jordan Park, or Thanksgiving Point. Sorry if you don't live near there, but the MAJORITY of the population of Utah lives in Northern Utah, so it just makes most sense. Ill make a page full of ideas and whats on the agenda for MC here in Utah as soon as I know a location. If you have any ideas on free locations in the areas I said, please let me know on my page -I'm more likely to see it there. IMPORTANT: If you even just might be coming, please let me know on my page, and let me know if you might be brining a few fellow beasts. I just wanna know how many to plan for. Stay posted, and Ill be more on top of stuff next week, so keep checking back! Stay your Mythical Best, Mythical Beasts! Thank for you time!!! Hope to see you there!!

UPDATE!! So one possibility is Pioneer Park in Provo? Its kind of near Front Runner and busses if you don't have a ride, and if you do, its close to the highway, and a few of you said you, live close to or in Provo. Thats not official, but let me know if that works for you! I'm trying to make this work for as many people as I can! Let me know what you think and TELL YOUR FRIENDS AND FAMILY ABOUT MYTHICON!!! Lets make Utah's first MC be as mythical as it possibly can!

FOUND A LOCATION!! It will be at Pioneer Park in Provo. The adress is : 500 West Center Street Provo, UT 84601 And just look for the green and white balloons that will probably have something to do with Rhett and Link and Mythically and stuff. I hope to see you Utah Beasts there!

Clara (Star-Nosed Platyphant) said…

UGH!! Im so sorry Gumbo!! My mom and i just found out there is another thing going on at Pioneer Park at the same time, same day! So could you change that to Memorial Park 800 East Center Street, Provo. Im so sorry and so is my mom! Thanks so much!!!


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