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Peanut butter pops - Will it ice cream sandwich?

After watching GMM this morning my sister and I wanted some frozen peanut butter (I really want to try some frozen peanut butter and ice cream lol)
I decided to try it out and ended up making some kind of treat, though I'm not sure what to call it.

To make these little pops you're going to need:

~peanut butter


~vanilla extract


~small cups/containers

~plastic baggies for each cup (or one large enough to hold them all)

I don't really have exact measurements for this because I was just winging it but I mixed roughly 4 tables spoons of peanut butter with about a teaspoon of honey and 1/2 teaspoon vanilla. Then I mixed in some water to thin it out because it was really thick and sticky (you could probably make this better with milk). I added water until it was about the consistency of play-dough

then I just scooped it into the cups, put the cups in plastic bags and put them in the freezer for about 4 hours, when I pulled it out it was like thick ice cream. I had a stick in the middle of it like a popsicle but it didn't stay so we ended up just eating it with the stick.
I'd love to know if anyone else tries these so take some pictures if you make them :D
Also if you change the measurements, add to the recipe or get the sticks to stay in, please send me a message, I would love to try it out!

Enjoy these if you make them and have fun experimenting! >w/p>

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Comment by Jon on July 30, 2014 at 6:00am

good share! #peanutbutterlove

Comment by Jon on July 30, 2014 at 5:59am

like wow, i totally made something almost exactly like this about 3 nights ago! i was in the mood for sweets and i just couldnt take it anymoar xD i basically took  like 1/2 cup peanut butter , sugar, honey, and my vanilla almond milk. peanut butter gets pretty gross when you stir it up with other things but i heated it up for like 30 seconds in the microwave and it made it into this interesting cream with a sharp layer on top.. it was pretty good actually. lol. figured i would share because i always eat peanut butter right out of the jar and i try and find ways to make it interesting. i cant eat dairy, or cocoa... so im stuck with peanut butter xD

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