North Carolina Unknown Life Form - Identified !
OK .... this is a warning! I have a link here. To a you tube video. If you don't like creepy crawlies, or worms or mucus then do not click on this link. For the rest of you you have been warned.
This is supposedly video from a sewer cam (or pipe cam) that shows some sort of moving organism attached to the seams in the pipe. Freaky!!!
UPDATE: Gizmodo confirms that this life form is indeed real. Dr. Timothy S. Wood, an expert on freshwater bryozoa and an officer with the International Bryozoology Association says:
Thanks for the video – I had not see it before. No, these are not bryozoans! They are clumps of annelid worms, almost certainly tubificids (Naididae, probably genus Tubifex). Normally these occur in soil and sediment, especially at the bottom and edges of polluted streams. In the photo they have apparently entered a pipeline somehow, and in the absence of soil they are coiling around each other. The contractions you see are the result of a single worm contracting and then stimulating all the others to do the same almost simultaneously, so it looks like a single big muscle contracting. Interesting video.
And then Gizmodo posted this video of the worms in a lab. Gross.
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