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Matthew Watts
  • Male
  • West Footscray, Victoria
  • Australia
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At 5:53pm on April 8, 2016,

P.S. pay no attention to the blue lines, just using those for alignment and will be deleted in the final printing.

At 5:52pm on April 8, 2016,

Matthew - - do me a favor and see if this makes sense.  I have no musical training and couldn't carry a tune in a bucket, but want to support the Virtual Orchestra! project.

A while back, Kommunity member Anna Anakin uploaded the medley of R&L songs whe had created using  MUSESCORE:

Anyways, my question is this:  

The piece is scored for a number of instruments and runs 139 measures / 57 pages as written (Rhett_and_Link_Symphony.pdf)

If I were to carve our the individual instruments and stack them on pages such as the flute piece attached below, would that be more helpful?

Just wanted to run this by someone more musically adept before I spent much more time on it, in case my plan makes no sense to anyone but me.


At 8:48pm on March 7, 2016, Camille Is The Cool said…

Welkomm! Thanks for joining my group, I noticed you play quite a few instruments. We can use all the multi talented people we can get. cx 


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