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Caleb Small
  • Male
  • Clermont, GA
  • United States
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Me, yo.

My name is Caleb, nickname by some is Quatropus, for I can't correctly draw an octopus to save my life. I am an 19 year old currently living in Clermont, GA. I am 6' and 260lbs. I enjoy working out out, enjoying games, eating and meeting new friends. Recently graduated out of 530 seniors.

I am currently making plans on a new solo project. I will be doing everything for it, but like I said it's a solo project. As of now though, I am coming up with more ideas for a new demo. Be sure to check up if you're interested.

My life so far has been very interesting. I was born in a Middle-Class family and has been very appreciative for everything my mother and father have done to take care of me. It is no surprised that I got into music, for my father played in a band during his high school and my mother played in band during high school. During my brothers high school years, he decided to pick up the drums, as to during my high school years I decided to pick up learning the bass. Me and my brother also progam and play keyboard, though different styles. The greatest sound to my ears is the sound of a beautiful ambient mess.

I have never had a girlfriend my whole life and don't plan on it soon, although I catch these lonely phases (which go by a day later). I like everything about women, but when you have so much going on in your life, you can't just offer everything you have to a stranger. Plus, my physical features have made many women walk away, though in my opinion I don't look that bad. Just haven't found the right one yet, I supposed.

That should be good enough. Thank you.

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At 2:42pm on August 7, 2009, Parker the Invisible Eagle said…
Hello Quatropus, on behalf of Rhett, Link, the Kommunity moderating team, and the Kommunity volunteers, WELCOME! We're glad you're here and we hope you enjoy being here!

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