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Ca xcom user guide

View Notes - XCOM_zOS_User_ENU from COMPUTER S CS 213 at IIT Bombay. CA XCOM Data Transport for z/OS User Guide r11.5 This documentation and any related computer software help programs (hereinafter
















For information about using CA XCOM internal TCP/IP tracing, see the CA XCOM Data Transport for AS/400 i5/OS User Guide. Encryption Using XCOMOSSL The XCOMOSSL utility allows you to encrypt password parameter values in an existing configuration file. For information about using XCOMOSSL, see the CA XCOM Data Transport for The CA XCOM User Guide has information about using XCOM with TCPIP. Overview of Migrating to TCPIP. Make sure that the TCPIP LOCAL host name is defined on the AS/400. Use CFGTCP - Option 12 - The fully qualified hostname is required such as USPRGP9D.CA.COM. Per the CA XCOM Message guide: The Reason for message XCOMM0105E is: The CA XCOM Data Transport program that validates the SYSIN01 Batch Interface input parameters has detected an invalid parameter xxxxxxxx. This will require you to review the parameter(s) specified in your SYSIN01. Starting with XCOM r12.0 you can migrate your existing XCOM r11.5 or r11.6 VSAM XCOMRRDS(RRDS) to the new version 12 format using the XCOMMIGR utility. Tuesday Tips: Can I migrate/convert my current XCOMRRDS? refer to the CA XCOM User guide for the description of the XCOMMIGR utility, When coding a continuation line for CA XCOM batch jobs, follow standard JCL SYSIN rules. Continuation can span multiple lines as long you put a plus sign (+) at the end of each line and the next line starts in columns 2 through 16. Transform digital business with CA Technologies. Software and expertise to create a Modern Software Factory built on agility, automation, insights and security. Go to CA Support to get the answers you need to succeed, anytime and anywhere. {{item.title}} New user? Get started with CA Support. Step 1: Register. Register to access downloads, case management and more. Working with CA Sup

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