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Investigation and treatment of liver disease with acute onset - Local hospital protocol Defined as EITHER sudden onset of jaundice with evidence of liver aetiology OR incidental discovery of raised transaminases in association with symptoms suggesting acute onset Age of onset >3 months
Description. Drug induced acute liver failure is defined by the appearance of signs or symptoms of hepatic failure and encephalopathy during the course of acute drug induced liver injury in a patient without previous or underlying chronic liver disease.. Latency to Onset. The time to onset of acute liver failure after starting a medication ranges from a few days to many months, but it is INTRODUCTION. Acute liver failure is characterized by acute liver injury, hepatic encephalopathy, and an elevated prothrombin time/international normalized ratio (INR). It has also been referred to as fulminant hepatic failure, acute hepatic necrosis, fulminant hepatic necrosis, and fulminant hepatitis. Acute liver failure (ALF) is an uncommon condition in which rapid deterioration of liver function results in coagulopathy and alteration in the mental status of a previously healthy individual. Acute liver failure often affects young people and carries a very high mortality. Idiosyncratic (unpredictable) drug-induced liver injury is one of the most challenging liver disorders faced by hepatologists, because of the myriad of drugs used in clinical practice, available herbs and dietary supplements with hepatotoxic potential, the ability of the condition to present with a variety of clinical and pathological phenotypes and the current absence of specific biomarkers. Acute-on-chronic liver failure (ACLF) is a syndrome characterised by acute decompensation of chronic liver disease associated with organ failures and high short-term mortality. Alcohol and chronic viral hepatitis are the most common underlying liver diseases. Up to 40%- The authors present guidelines for the diagnosis and man
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