
Old CD

My sister is out of town with friends and a little while ago she texted this to me. She said that some of her friends knew R&L back when this came out in 2001.

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  • K-Mod

    Alexis (Indigo Sparrow)

    @Karyn I didn't actually get the CD... My sis just took a pic of it and *cough*burnedacopyofitforme*cough* since it was her friend's copy. I'm still super excited to have it in some form though! 

  • Daniel Sulfridge

    So this is my CD I got bought it at a Campus Crusade Christmas Conference in 2001 in Greensboro, NC. Rhett and Link were MC'ing the event. Honestly I didn't even know this website existed until my friend told me her sister who is a lot younger than me is a huge fan. But I personally think The Unibrow Song is the best, especially since I still remember the video that came along with it.
  • Spencer (Smofgrog OF DOOM)

    haha nice!