
Home of Rhett & Link fans - the Mythical Beasts!




If you thought of your Mythical Beast name and know what you look like, share pictures, drawings, Photoshop pictures or descriptions of your Beast.  

You may answer the following questions

*How did you come up with your name

*Does your name mean anything in specific

*Why did you choose your Beast looks as it does

*What's your favorite feature on your Beast

*How does your Beast symbolize you

Please Post pics of your Beast today! :D 

Members: 50
Latest Activity: Aug 6, 2017

Discussion Forum

Why do you like rhett and link

Started by Gina Carmen. Last reply by Frances Dec 2, 2015. 1 Reply

Why do you like rhett and link explain all of their awesomeness

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Comment by Leonora Shore (Kiffen) on August 6, 2017 at 1:18am

I am a Kiffin. Though often mistaken for baby griffins, the kiffin is a domesticated cat in body and tail, but has the wings and front legs of an eagle; an adolescent eagle that is. While it may not have a ferocious roar nor seem as menacing in the air (for kiffens are well known to stay land based more than airborn) they are known to hunt well, nap in open sun patches, and be very social among other kiffens and griffins. Sometimes will enlist the help of griffins when afraid.  

Comment by Pau Acosta(Wolhorndrak) on January 24, 2016 at 3:17pm

Comment by Madeline (Tigermaidasus) on December 22, 2015 at 4:47pm

Behold the Tigermaidasus, in all its glory. The intimidating front of a Bengal tiger, the swan-like wings of a pegasus, and the tail of a mermaid (or merman) make this creature hopefully truly original to form. This one is named Floyd.

Comment by Iyl (Fractal Dragon) on December 6, 2015 at 5:59pm
Comment by Destiny Hanvey (invisible cat) on December 4, 2015 at 7:24pm

This is my MB that my MB friend neilpatrickterrier (Fenanuberus) drew for me. This is what I would look like if I was visible  but I'm invisible. (If that makes sense).

Comment by Brennan (Bonnacon) on December 4, 2015 at 7:17pm

This is a Bonnacon. It represents me by the way our names sound the same. I like that it has acidic dung. 

Comment by Susuwatari on February 10, 2015 at 6:16pm

This is my Mythical Beast. 

Name: Susuwatari/Makkuro Kurosuke 

English Name: Wandering Soot/ Pitch Black

Gender: Neutral

Species: Soot

Age: Unknown

Hobbies: Crafting, Japanese

DoB: 2/24

Comment by Heather (Winged antlered wolf) on December 29, 2014 at 7:43pm

This is my mythical beast. Her name is Taurion. I chose her name because one: it sounds cool, two: it was orignally just going to be Tauriel, but I wanted to make it unique, so it became Taurion, three: my favorite feature is how the wings are white, but the horns are black. I like to think that it means that while Taurion can be a sweet little angel, she also has a rebellious streak and can be as mean as a little devil, four: I chose the wings and horns because I wanted wings on my mythical beast no matter what so that she can be free and fly above the clouds and I chose the horns because they make her look tough and she can use them to her advantage when she protects those that she loves, five: Taurion symbolizes me because I want to travel and be free, but I still want to stay home as well to be with my family and take care of them. I chose the wolf because wolves stick together and they are fierce and majestic creatures. That is all and I hope you guys like her!

Comment by Tori on December 4, 2014 at 10:34pm
I just saw a black squirrel the other day, it was pretty creepy.
Comment by Tori on December 1, 2014 at 11:20pm
Hi I'm new and this seems to be a very cool group. Can't wait to get involved!

Members (49)


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