
Home of Rhett & Link fans - the Mythical Beasts!

Location:      Mall of America

                      3rd Floor Food Court near the Moose Mountain Mini Golf

Address:        8100 24th Ave S, Bloomington, MN 55425

Website:        http://www.mallofamerica.com/shopping/directions

Your Host:    Lynnae Forstner-Mystic Flutterby Koppo    

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Hello everyone! My name is Koppo (or Kendra) and I shall be your host (unless the previous host wants to host; she gets first dibs, but she has not responded :c). I've gone to the last 2 Mythicons and they were very enjoyable! I want as many Minnesotan Mythical Beasts to come out. I will need ideas and things to do there, because I'm not that creative... But anywhales, I will make an announcement video and try to have everyone to share it around. If you would like to come and/or suggest ideas just message me and I will try to get in contact as fast as I can. 
I really hope that you guys will come. Stay Beast! :D

Me and my friends might come we were wondering if you had to pay to get in?

To get in to moose mountain mini golf you have to pay I have been there I live 30 min from mall of America so I might come
You don't have to pay to get in to the mall of America but you do have to pay to do any thing so bring a lot of money and they have an amusement park with roller coasters

when is it?

Hi all, Mystic Flutterby here. Your Minnesota host for Mythicon.  Hoping to see you all at the Food Court on July 18. Are there any ideas out there for activities this year?   Last year we did some artwork and sent items to the boys in LA.  Did you see the episode of Good Mythical More when they opened our care box?  Sent Pearson's candy and other goodies as well as artwork from Ghost Chicken!  

Hope to see a bunch of you at Mythicon 2015!

Hey Lynnae! I did not see that Good Mythical More actually, could you link me to that please? :D
Also, if you want to take over as host, I am ok with that. :) We could possibly film a wheel of mythicality entry (I mean, that would be epic, just saying xD) We could try ghost peppers again (make sure to bring ice cream!) or we could try different foods from different countries too. If you think of anything else, let me know!

According to the "official" list of items which were highlighted on GMM or GMMore - - -

Episode 89 (GMM #570) The Floor Is Lava (GAME) / Nut Bars and a Clearly Canadian girl

     - - Doumar's Cones ~ Since 1904 (from Brian & Alison, Hagerstown, TN)

     - - Pearson's Salted Nut Roll, wild rice and Mythical Artwork (from The Forstners [David, Lynnae, Erin, Cassie, John & Mark], Corey Kramer [Ghost Chicken] and all the MBs of MythiCon-MN 2014 / Minnesota, USA)

I saw that episode. Until then I didn't even know about a thing called Mythicon

Salute to all fellow Mythical Minnesotans,
     I so wish to attend MythiCon 2015  but I do not think will be able to hopefully things change and i see you there! 

Do we have a time yet?

1 PM Sharp! (ok it won't actually be sharp, but you get the point... xD)


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