
Home of Rhett & Link fans - the Mythical Beasts!



Address:        1401 West Southern Ave., Tempe, AZ - - ARIZONA #1

Website:        http://www.schlotzskys.com/find-your-schlotzskys/arizona/tempe/1007/

Face Book:   https://www.facebook.com/MythiconArizona2015?ref=hl

Your Host:    Michelle Griffin (Griffinator) 

                      my email = MLG011776@yahoo.com

Location:       Tucson Mall

Address:        4500 N. Oracle Road, Tucson, AZ 85705 - - ARIZONA #2

Website:        http://www.tucsonmall.com/

Your Host:    Zacharie Ancharski

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Map of Arizona

Views: 1232

Replies to This Discussion

I live in Gilbert, Arizona right by Queen Creek and I would love to come to Mythicon!

Fabulous! I'm thinking of the Studio Movie Grill in Scottsdale with the great seats. We can watch some favorite episodes and music videos. Any ideas you have would be awesome!

Hello GMM Mythical Beasts! The MythiCon is only 4mo away. If you go to the face book page you will see a few ideas I have posted.  I don't have a co-host as of yet so if any one would like to volunteer to help or be co host's that would be great. So can't wait to talk and meet up with you guys!!!

Kelly you are a genius! A meet up would be great and I'm glad you like the FB page. Just let me know the details I'll be available on the 4th. and DFTBF!

Hi Kelly. I wasn't able to come out today but did the meet up go well? So I'm thinking a movie theater is not the best idea due to n not that many people. So an alternative would be great. Talk later!

Hello Arizona Mythical Beast's! So I'm thinking that with so few numbers that the movie theater is not the best place to have this mythical gathering. While if we did have it we could send an official invite to Rhett and Link. Not saying they would come but it would be more possible with a bigger turn out. Now I got this idea from some Prank vs Prank fans in Canada and Jesse and Gina actually flew out to make it so that was awesome.  So if you are in the Phoenix area give a shout for some locations.

Brilliant! I'd love to see you guys here.

Ok guys I have the place. Peterson Park on Southern Avenue and Priest Drive. It's a historical site of the Peterson house with a little park that has a picnic table and swings. We could even do some of the challenges with so much space. Let me know what you think. Be your mythical best!!

This is the address to the park.

Petersen House Museum, 1414 W. Southern Ave. Tempe, Arizona.

I'll take some pics this week and post on the Face Book page.

Also I'm working on some exceptional button jewelry accessories for prizes.

I'll post some pics of those as well.


I can't wait for it i will have to ask my grandma to take me though


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